Module 1: Integrating Music in the Classroom: Why Integrate Music?
1. Introduction
2. Issues in Implementing Music Integration
3. Three Approaches to Music Integration
4. Three Approaches to Music Integration (Continued)
5. Assignment 1: Edutopia
6. Quiz 1: Integrating Music In The Classroom
Module 2: Instructional Implementation
1. Introduction
2. Goals
3. Materials
4. Procedures
5. Closure and Assessment
6. Cooperative Learning Activities
7. Assignment 2a: Analyze a Lesson Plan
8. Assignment 2b: Breaking Down a Musical Element
9. Quiz 2: Instructional Implementation
Module 3: Understanding The Construction Of Music
1. Introduction
2. Rhythm
3. Melody and Harmony
4. Form, Timbre, and Expression
5. Assignment 3: Creating a Musical Instrument
6. Quiz 3: Understanding The Construction of Music
Module 4: The Keyboard As A Resource
1. Introduction
2. Adjacent and Non-Adjacent Keys
3. Adjacent and Non-Adjacent Keys (Continued)
4. Assignment 4: Draw Notes on the Staff
5. Quiz 4: The Keyboard As A Resource
Module 5: Notation
1. Introduction
2. Pitch and Duration
3. Stick Notation
4. Ledger Lines
5. Assignment 5: Compose a Short Melody
6. Quiz 5: Notation
Module 6: Scales, Keys, Meters, And Beams
1. Introduction: Scales and Keys
2. Transposition
3. Rhythm and the Representation of Note Values
4. Meter
5. Types of Barlines
6. Time Signature
7. Meter Types
8. Meter Types (Continued)
9. Beams
10. Anacrusis
11. Dotted Notes
12. Ties
13. Assignment 6: Worksheet on Scales, Keys, Meters, and Beams
14. Quiz 6: Scales, Keys, Meters, and Beams
Module 7: Elementary Concepts Of Music
1. Introduction
2. Rhythm
3. Beat and Pulse
4. Accent Groupings
5. Anacrusis
6. Relative Durations and Notation
7. Melody
8. Harmony
9. Form and Motive
10. Cadence
11. One-Part and Two-Part Form
12. Three-Part Form (ABA)
13. Strophic
14. Theme and Variations
15. Introductions, Interludes, Codas, and Cadenzas
16. Tempo
17. Dynamics
18. Articulation
19. Style Terminology
20. Timbre
21. Styles and Ensembles
22. Issues Common to Teaching with Music
23. Assignment 7: Expression Symbols
24. Quiz 7: Elementary Concepts of Music
1. Midterm Exam
Module 8: Teaching with Listening
1. Introduction
2. Teaching Dance with Musical Concepts
3. Teaching Dance with Musical Concepts (Continued)
4. Action Songs and Games
5. Action Songs and Games (Continued)
6. Formal Dance Activities
7. Assignment 8a: Formal Dance Experience
8. Assignment 8b: Interpretive Dance and Music
9. Quiz 8: Integrating Music Through Dance
Module 9: Integrating Music Through Visual Arts
1. Introduction
2. Teaching Musical Concepts through Visual Arts
3. Sharpen Students’ Perception Aurally and Visually
4. Form and Expression
5. Assignment 9: Using Music to Create Art
6. Quiz 9: Integrating Music Through Visual Arts
Module 10: Integrating Music Through Drama, Language Arts, And Literature
1. Introduction
2. How to Create a Rhythmic Chart
3. Literature and Music in the Classroom
4. Teaching Music and Literature Concepts
5. Assignment 10a: Lesson Plan in Music and Language Arts
6. Assignment 10b: Lesson Plan for Children’s Literature
7. Quiz 10: Integrating Music Through Drama, Language Arts, And Literature
Module 11: Integrating Music Through Math And Science
1. Music and Math
2. Music and Science
3. Assignment 11: Create and Teach an Integrated Lesson Plan
4. Quiz 11: Integrating Music Through Math and Science
Module 12: Integrating Music Through Social Studies
1. Music and Social Studies
2. Music and Social Studies (Continued)
3. Teaching Multicultural Music
4. Teaching Approaches for Multicultural Music
5. Assignment 12a: Resource List for Integrating Music and Social Studies
6. Assignment 12b: Create and Teach an Integrated Lesson Plan – Social Studies
7. Quiz 12: Integrating Music Through Social Studies
Module 13: How To Teach Students To Sing A Song
1. Introduction
2. A Process for Teaching a Song: Step One
3. A Process for Teaching a Song: Step One
4. A Process for Teaching a Song: Step Three
5. A Process for Teaching a Song: Step Four, Five, and Six
6. Teaching by Rote
7. Leading a Song with Accompaniment
8. Assignment 13a: Teaching a Song Analysis
9. Assignment 13b: Teaching a Song
10. Quiz 13: How To Teach Students To Sing A Song
Module 14: How To Teach Students A Listening Lesson
1. Introduction
2. Fostering Student Creativity
3. How to Teach Music through Listening Experiences: Step One
4. How to Teach Music through Listening Experiences: Step Two
5. How to Teach Music through Listening Experiences: Step Three
6. How to Teach Music through Listening Experiences: Step Four
7. Knowledge of Equipment
8. Assignment 14: Listening Lesson
9. Quiz 14: How To Teach Students A Listening Lesson
Module 15: How To Teach A Lesson With Movement
1. Introduction
2. Guidelines for Movement Experiences
3. Introductory Activities
4. Move in Place and Space
5. Move to Express Imagery
6. Assignment 15a: Movement Experiences in Music
7. Assignment 15b: Movement to Rounds
8. Quiz 15: How To Teach A Lesson With Movement
Final Exam
About the Author
Integrated Resources
OnMusic Education: Instructional Strategies for the Elementary Classroom is an innovative introduction to the principles, philosophy, and trends in music education in the public schools, providing students with the foundation necessary to become an effective educator. Students are initiated into the professional world of education, advocacy, classroom management, and curriculum design for all genres of school music. Utilizing film clips from actual classes and rehearsals, students can experience an up-close and authentic perspective of the K-12 music classroom.
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Dr. Eugenie Burkett, Ph.D. is the Coordinator of Music Education programs at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. She was awarded her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction (Music Education) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, masters in percussion performance from Manhattan School of Music, and her bachelor’s degree in music education from Baylor University.
Recent presentations have included the International Society for Music Education Conference in Kuala Lumpur (’06), the MENC National Conference (’04), WEDELMUSIC 2002 and 2003, and College Music Society (’03, ’04, ’05) in addition to regional and state conferences. Her research has been published by the Journal for Historical Research in Music Education, the National Association of College, Wind and Percussion Instructors, and Percussive Notes.
As a timpanist and percussionist, Burkett has performed with the Kansas City Philharmonic, Orchestra Sinfonica RAI (Turin, Italy), Orquesta Sinfonica de Maracaibo (Venezuela) and is a co-founder of Trinkle Brass Works, a chamber ensemble performing under the WESTAF and Arts Midwest Touring programs.
Academically rigorous, yet accessible and designed for the web, we deliver a complete text with the most music for your online, hybrid, or face-to-face course. No other publisher has been creating online resources for college music as long as C4E.
A complete course featuring online integration of text, assignments, interactive links, resource lists, music, glossary, discussion forums, assessment, and administrative tools – teaching strategies and materials created by experienced and practicing music educators and musicians.
Video – Extensive use of video throughout the title. OnMusic Education: Instructional Strategies for the Elementary Classroom features dozens of videos of real teaching and classroom scenarios. The videos are integrated right into the page for a seamless experience.
Key Words – Each section contains key words and definitions.
Assignments – Seven optional assignments are included.
Assessments – OnMusic Education: Instructional Strategies for the Elementary Classroom includes assignments and quizzes at the end of each topic, along with a midterm and final exam, all of which can be customized to fit your needs.
Setup, Hosting, and Support – OnMusic Education: Instructional Strategies for the Elementary Classroom is the only foundations textbook that is 100% web based. We can customize the title to fit your needs and our support team is available for you and your students every step of the way.
OnMusic Education: Instructional Strategies for the Elementary Classroom
ISBN: 978-0-9991160-9-8