Interactive music courses and content designed to engage students and simplify managing your online, hybrid, or face-to-face class.
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OnMusic Appreciation (Fourth Edition)
OnMusic Explorations
OnMusic Fundamentals (Fourth Edition)
OnMusic Jazz (Second Edition)
OnMusic Rock (Third Edition)
OnMusic Fundamentals (Third Edition)
OnAmerican Popular Music
OnAfrican American Music
OnMusic of the World (Third Edition)
OnMusic of the USA
OnMusic Theory I
OnMusic Theory II
OnMusic Theory III
OnMusic Theory and Musicianship I
OnMusic Theory and Musicianship II
OnApplied Music Mentors Bundle
OnApplied Music Practicum
OnMusic Conducting: Connect to the Sound
OnMusic History Survey
OnMusic Education: Elementary General Music
OnMusic Education: Instructional Strategies for the Elementary Classroom
OnMusic Fundamentals Placement Exam
Auralia & Musition Bundle (One Year)
Auralia & Musition Cloud Bundle (6 months)
Auralia (One Year)
Auralia Cloud (6 months)
Musition (One Year)
Musition (Six Months)
Discovering Sociology
Dimensions of Public Speaking
Nutrition Science: An Introduction
Understanding Nutrition and Well-Being
Psychology: An Introduction
Writing for Success in College and Beyond
Survey of Historic Costume
The Dynamics of Fashion