Lesson 1: Can Music Have A Specific Purpose?
1. Can Music Have A Specific Purpose?
Lesson 2: The Performer's Role
1. The Performer’s Role
2. Discussion Question 1: The Performer’s Role
Lesson 3: Types of Listeners
1. Casual Listeners
2. Referential Listeners
3. Critical and Perceptive Listeners
Lesson 4: Structure of Music
1. Structure of Music
2. Basic Musical Concepts Quiz
Lesson 5: Duration, Pitch, and Volume
1. Duration, Pitch, and Volume 1
2. Duration, Pitch, and Volume 2
3. Duration, Pitch, and Volume 3
4. Duration, Pitch, and Volume 4
Lesson 6: Instrumental and Vocal Timbre
1. Instrumental Timbre
2. Vocal Timbre 1
3. Vocal Timbre 2
Lesson 7: Orchestral Timbre
1. Orchestral Timbre 1: The Symphony Orchestra
2. Orchestral Timbre 2: The Orchestral Conductor
3. Building Blocks of Sound Quiz
Lesson 8: Rhythm, Tempo, and Meter
1. Rhythm 1
2. Rhythm 1
3. Tempo 1
4. Tempo 2
5. Meter 1
6. Meter 2
7. Rhythm, Tempo, and Meter Quiz
Lesson 9: Melody
1. Melody 1
2. Melody 2
3. Melody 3
4. Melody 4
5. Melody 5
6. Melody 6
Lesson 10: Harmony
1. Harmony 1
2. Harmony 2
Lesson 11: Form
1. Form 1
2. Form 2
3. Form 3
Discussion Question: Form Forum
Melody, Harmony, and Form Quiz
Lesson 12: What Is Jazz?
1. Essential Features
2. Improvisation
3. Swing Feeling
4. Bluesy Flavor
Lesson 13: The Blues
1. The Blues
2. Essential Features: Pitch Bending and Harmony
3. Chords
4. Blues Chord Progressions
5. 12-Bar Form and Tonality
6. Listening Skills
7. Summary
8. Discussion Question: Improvisation
9. Blues and Jazz Quiz
Lesson 14: Pivotal Figures Before Modern Jazz
1. Jelly Roll Morton
2. Louis Armstrong
3. Benny Goodman
4. Art Tatum
5. Duke Ellington
6. Mary Lou Williams
7. Billie Holiday
8. Ella Fitzgerald
Lesson 15: Bebop and the Advent of Modern Jazz
1. Modern Jazz
2. Introduction
3. Bebop
4. Charlie Parker
5. Parker’s Style
6. Bebop, Ballads, and Blues
7. Dizzy Gillespie
8. Afro-Cuban Jazz
9. Jazz Performance Report Assignment
10. Before and After Modern Jazz
Lesson 16: Early Exponents of Cool Jazz
1. Cool Jazz
2. Miles Davis and The Birth of Cool
3. Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker
4. Lennie Tristano & Lee Konitz
5. 1950 Metronome Magazine “All-Stars” Bands
Lesson 17: Miles Davis, Modal Jazz, and Bill Evans
1. Miles Davis
2. Miles Davis Sextet, 1959
3. Modal Jazz
4. Davis’ “So What”
5. Davis’ “Flamenco Sketches”
6. Bill Evans
7. Bill Evans Trio
Lesson 18: Western Music
1. Introduction
2. The 19th Century Crucible
3. The Great Divide
Lesson 19: Rural Blues and Urban Blues
1. Introduction
2. Musical and Poetic Form of the 12-Bar Blues
3. Rural Blues
4. Urban Blues
5. Boogie Woogie
6. Commercial or Arranged Blues
7. Conclusion
8. Lesson Assessment
Lesson 20: Other African American Roots of Rock
1. Spirituals
2. Gospel Music
3. Vocal Harmony Groups
4. Early Rhythm and Blues
5. The Audience for Rhythm and Blues
6. Conclusion
7. Rural Blues, Urban Blues, and Other African American Roots Quiz
Lesson 21: Swing and Big Bands
1. Introduction
2. Music Consumption in the Swing Era
3. Society Syncopators
4. Big Bands
5. White Swing Bandleaders
6. Kansas City Swing
7. Conclusions
8. Swing and Big Bands Quiz
Lesson 22: Midterm
Midtern Exam
Lesson 23: Rhythm and Blues Becomes Rock and Roll
1. Introduction
2. New Technologies and Means of Consumption
3. Alan Freed
4. Ray Charles and the Gospel Side of Rock and Roll
5. Rhythm and Blues Crosses Over
6. Cover Versions
7. Conclusion
8. Rhythm and Blues Quiz
Lesson 24: Elvis Presley
1. Introduction
2. Sam Phillips and Sun Records
3. The Hillbilly Cat
4. Colonel Tom Parker and Presley at RCA-Victor
5. Presley’s Cover Versions
6. Presley After the 1950s
7. Conclusion
8. Elvis Presley Quiz
Lesson 25: Rockabilly
1. Introduction
2. Rockabilly
3. Jerry Lee Lewis
4. Johnny Cash
5. Other Rockabilly Stars
6. Presley After the 1950s
7. Buddy Holly and the Crickets
8. The Day the Music Died
9. Conclusion
10. Rockabilly Quiz
Lesson 26: Bluegrass
1. Introduction
2. The Roots of Bluegrass
3. Bill Monroe and the Birth of Bluegrass
4. Bill Monroe and the Birth of Bluegrass (cont.)
5. Bluegrass Takes Off
6. Bluegrass and the Folk Music Revival
7. Conclusion
8. Bluegrass Quiz
Lesson 27: Soul
1. Introduction
2. The African American Presence in Pop
3. Motown 1
4. Motown 2
5. Motown 3
6. Atlantic and Stax
7. Conclusion
8. Soul Quiz
Lesson 28: The British Invasion: The Beatles
1. Introduction
2. Rock and Roll in the United Kingdom
3. Becoming the Beatles
4. Becoming the Beatles (cont.)
5. Beatlemania
6. The Music of the Beatles
7. From Songs to Recordings
8. Conclusion
Lesson 29: The British Invasion: The Rolling Stones
1. Introduction
2. The British Blues Revival
3. Making the Rolling Stones
4. Jagger and Richards as Songwriters
5. Breaking into the United States
6. The Music of the Rolling Stones
7. Conclusion
8. The British Invasion Quiz
Lesson 30: Folk and Folk Rock
1. Introduction
2. Folk Music Before the 1960s
3. Authentic vs. Commercial
4. Bob Dylan
5. Bob Dylan (Continued)
6. The Rise of Folk Rock
7. Dylan’s Influence During the 1960s
8. Conclusion
9. Folk and Folk Rock Quiz
Lesson 31: Country Rock and Southern Rock
1. Introduction
2. Country Rock
3. Country Rock (Continued)
4. Southern Rock 1
5. Southern Rock 2
6. Southern Rock 3
7. Conclusion
8. Country Rock and Southern Rock Quiz
Lesson 32: Hard Rock
1. Introduction
2. Hard Rock: Predecessors
3. Hard Rock: Early Examples
4. SLed Zeppelin 1
5. Led Zeppelin 2
6. Led Zeppelin 3
7. Led Zeppelin’s Influence
8. Conclusion
8. Hard Rock Quiz
Lesson 33: Hip-Hop
1. Introduction
2. The Roots of Hip-Hop
3. Early Commercial Hip-Hop
4. Hip-Hop Goes Mainstream
5. Hip-Hop Goes Mainstream (Continued)
6. Hip-Hop Takes Over
7. Conclusion
8. Hip-Hop Quiz
Lesson 34: Exploring the Landscape of African Music
1. Introduction
2. Colonial Africa
3. Music in Community Life I: Music in the Sande Initiat
4. Music in Community Life II: Music and Dance
Lesson 35: African Instruments, Drum Language, and Popular Music
1. African Instruments I: Regional Differences P
2. African Instruments II: Musical Instruments as Symbols
3. Vocal Music I
4. Vocal Music II
3. Vocal Music III
4. Music of Africa Quiz
Lesson 36: Music of Japan
1. Introduction and History
2. Aesthetics
3. Westernization, Religion, and Shõmyõ
4. Musical Elements
Lesson 37: Instruments & Japanese Folk and Pop Music
1. Instruments: Koto and Shamisen
2. Instruments: Shakuhachi and Taiko
3. Japanese Folk & Pop Music
4. Instruments: Shakuhachi and Taiko
5. Japanese Music Written Assignment
6. Music of Japan Quiz
Lesson 38: The Many Voices of Latin American Concert Music
1. Introduction
2. History and Culture of Indigenous Peruvian Music
3. Music in Pre-Columbian Peru
4. Indigenous Music of Latin America: Peru (Continued)
5. Sounds of Africa: African Slaves in Brazil
6. Europeans and Africans in Latin America
Lesson 39: Music of Colombia
1. Colombian Music: Introduction
2. Colombian Music (Continued)
3. An In-Depth Look into the Vocal Music from the Colombian Pacific
4. Folk Chant: Alabaos
5. Gualies
6. The Voice of the People I
7. The Voice of the People II
8. Elements from African and European Music
Lesson 40: In the Concert Hall
1. Indigenous, African, and Vernacular Traditions
2. Indigenous, African, and Vernacular Traditions (Continued)
3. Latin American Composers on the World Stage
4. Latin American Composers on the World Stage (Continued); Conclusion
5. Latin Music Written Assignment
6. Music of Latin America Quiz
Lesson 41: Final
1. Final Exam
Integrated Resources
OnMusic Explorations is the first step in your students’ journey to explore and hopefully start to untangle the mysterious power that music has on billions of people world-wide every day.
Beginning with a broad introduction to basic music concepts and organizing elements, OnMusic Explorations helps your students dig deeper into the musical components so they can become more perceptive listeners. With this foundation in place, the text shifts focus onto exploring the panorama of music genres from America, Europe, Africa, Japan, and Latin America.
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Music – With an extensive selection of world music, every lesson in this course contains streaming music.
Listen to Lecture – ext is narrated for online listening or downloadable for offline playback.
Discover Video – Videos in every chapter reinforce student understanding and engagement. Our video applet keeps students on the page and on task.
Written Assignments – Three written assignments are included in OnMusic Explorations.
Assessments – OnMusic Explorations includes automatically graded quizzes at the end of each region, along with a midterm and final exam, all of which can be used as is or customized to fit your needs.
Customization – TOnMusic Explorations is offered in our powerful, yet easy-to-use courseware platform. Instructors can add, remove, and edit content, assessment material, and assignments at will, or leave it as is for a great out of the box experience.
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